Video clip from "Wet Dreams" 2015

Video Clip from “Drowned Man” 2017

Video clip from "Sunshine Walked Beside Her" 2016

Video Clip from “Eclipse” 2017

“Wet Dreams” is an exploration of the fantastical dream-life of the characters. In this iteration of the mythology the creatures share a kind of pheromonal, hallucinatory experience and descend into a world of archetypal imagery. Some visions call to mind sex or the act of being born. In one sequence a character emerges from a kind of womb, another carries the head of a lost companion across a sea of flowers. A character becomes ensnared in a fishing net while another ponders their ancestry sorting a pile of bones. They have left Eden and opened new abstract pathways in their minds. The four video excerpts above are from Wet Dreams, Sunshine Walked Beside Her, Drowned Man and Eclipse.


Immaculate Desktop


Under the Sparkle Sunshine