Video clip from "Untitled Performance" 2011

Video clip from "Untitled Performance" 2011

“Untitled Performance” and the accompanying body of work marks the beginning of my artistic practice. It established the foundation for the mythology and everything that has followed. It’s the first instance in my work of a type of character interacting with a sculptural environment and features the merging of sculpture, installation, costuming, performance, video, animation and sound. I took inspiration from the idea of camouflage/concealment and how an organism evolves in relation to its environment. In the stop motion video projection architectural structures emerge from a fiery cauldron and then break down to dust particles as I navigate the space like a B-movie monster. The sculptural environment is also fitted with piezo contact microphones which emits a kind of musical auditory experience.


Forest Creature Series


Immaculate Collection in Beige